8:00 – 8:40
8:40 – 9:00
Jacek Kotarbinski
09:00 – 9:25
Magdalena Pawłowska
9:25 – 9:50
Jakub Cyran
Boosting our sales – what we should do to increase it
Today’s sales have already changed from just a few years ago. The internet, friend’s
reviews, and price comparisons. How can we get around in this new reality? How should we be talking to customers so that they realise we are here to help and advise, not to mislead them?
9:50 – 10:15
Paweł Tkaczyk
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:10
Adam Pioch
11:10 – 11:35
Jacek Kotarbiński
11:35 – 11:50
Tom Fishburne said that “the best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” Join this group if you led a city, region or tourist destination promotional campaign in 2017 or 2018, on social media or in traditional media, and if you are proud of the results. Show us why your place is special!
11:50 – 12:20
About numbers, wolves, stories and spam data in Google Analytics.
Piotr Bucki
Factfulness – it is good to know, instead of thinking that you know
In the past people believed that a rooster wakes up the sun. Today we know that it is the other way around. We can say that science broadens horizons; however, if we take a look at common interpretations of reality on the Internet, during family events or (even worse) business meetings, it can give us grey hair.
12:45 – 13:10
Janina Bąk
When should we (not) trust the statistics? Some of the most common mistakes made in data analysis
Analysing the data about our clients and their behaviour became essential years ago, as it helps us run our business more efficiently. During the presentation I will discuss the most common mistakes made in data interpretation and inference, and show you some practical solutions and tools to help avoid them.
13:10 – 14:35
Panel dyskusyjny
13:35 – 13:50
14:00 – 14:25
Wioletta Hamerska
14:25 – 14:50
Magdalena Kachniewska
14:50 – 15:15
Panel dyskusyjny
15:15 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:45
15:45 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:15
Tomasz Rudnik
16:15 – 16:40
Jarosław Łojewski
16:40 – 17:05
Robert Makłowicz
Piotr Bucki
Start 9:00 -11:15
Przerwa 10:30 – 10:45
How to focus in X minutes, present yourself well and get the audience’s attention
We can design communication – just like we design buildings, website interfaces or chairs. We just have to know how the brain works. Yes, to focus attention, improve understanding and communicate the value that the recipient is looking for.
Jarosław Łojewski
Start 11:15 -13:45
Przerwa 11:50 – 12:20
Paweł Tkaczyk
Start 14:00 -16:15
Przerwa 15:30 – 10:45
Tomasz Rudnik
Start 9:00 -11:15
Przerwa 10:30 – 10:45
Predicting a candidate’s future performance based on their previous work experience
During this workshop you will learn the techniques used in a job interview that can help you
avoid bad hiring decisions, saving your time and the company’s money. This also creates a
good, effective and independent team.
Magdalena Kachniewska
Start 11:15 -13:45
Przerwa 11:50 – 12:20
Magdalena Pawłowska
Start 14:00 -16:15
Przerwa 15:30 – 15:45
Milewska Magdalena
Wierzbiński Radosław
Start 11:15 -13:45
Przerwa 11:50 – 12:20
Tomasz Palak
Start 13:55 -16:10
Przerwa 15:00 – 15:15